Tuesday, August 19, 2008

John McCain In Sturgis

"I'm told Barack Obama is proud of going to Berlin to hear the cheeers of 100,000 Germans. Well, I'd rather come to Sturgis and hear the noise of 50,000 Harleys!" John McCain, Sturgis August 5,2008


Speaking as a guy who worked with lots of guys who went to Sturgis each year for the bike rally, I was intrigued to see how it went for Senator McCain, here is the video from his daughter Meghan's blog, McCainBlogette:

Here is the CNN coverage:

The "Miss Buffalo Chip Pageant" remark was of course trashed by liberals and yes, I rather doubt Cindy would do it but it does underline 3 things:

1) McCain is not your grampa's stuffy old Republican, he has a sense of humor and is not afraid to be both laughed with and laughed at. Obama takes himself so damn seriously.

Senator John McCain was a host of
“Saturday Night Live” in 2002.
(Photo: Dana Edelson/NBC)

2) If John wins, he will arguably bring the prettiest 1st Lady to the Whitehouse since Jackie Kennedy.

Cindy McCain May 2008 Vogue Magazine

3) Bikers, especially Viet Nam veterans will be voting this fall, they are Americans too.


The liberals are trying to make hay over what John McCain said at Sturgis and I say let them, it just makes them look that much more uptight, snobby and elitist.

I once helped a Republican candidate run for office in Minnesota who made sure we hit trailer parks. Some people wondered why. He had found out that the Democrat did not do trailers or rental properties because in the Democrat's own words, "THOSE PEOPLE don't vote." My candidate reminded me that besides the tactical advantage in doing this, "Those folks are taxpayers too you know, big government will hurt them more than it will you and me."

The fact that John McCain did show up and Barack Obama did not speaks volumes. The fact that limousine liberal commentators like Keith Olbermann tore into this appearance also speaks volumes. A lot of liberals want to give us the impression that is THEY who care for everyone so much but would Barack Obama go to Sturgis and HUG a bunch of burly, tattooed bikers like John McCain did?

Back in the '60s liberals cared for people, their policies were wrong-headed but they did care. Many worked in America's inner cities and others went abroad in the Peace Corps. Today's liberals rest on the laurels of past battles and would like to keep many of the people they used to care so much for at arms length.

Some of the better press coverage:

Rolling With McCain In South Dakota

Party On, McCain: Senator Campaigns at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

Oh, and BTW, Harley riding is a great Midwestern tradition:

Former State Senator Dave Zien at left end, Former Governor Tommy Thompson, A Harley Owner, 4th From Right

The image “http://www.hupy.com/images/site/Image/hupy001-R1-019-8.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
2 Wisconsin Bikers flanking State Senator Dave Zien (center left) and Tommy again in 2006.

The image “http://www.wisopinion.com/blogs/uploaded_images/execonharley-732268.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Milwauke County Exec Scott Walker

So go ahead and pick on us here for our 'earthier' annual proclivities for gas-guzzling bikes. Obama and his surrogates being 'above' such things will be a distinct advantage for the GOP this November.

Satire: Obama Visits Sturgis



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