Thursday, August 14, 2008

Georgia On My Mind

Remember this ad,

I tell you there is something about Hillary...

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Something about Hillary . . .

yes, something about Hillary that made me feel . . .!.jpg

Well, like she would be tougher than Mr. Sweetness and Light, like a leftwing version of Margaret Thatcher - but Barack . . .

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I mean Barack is just so damn happy all the time . . .

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Is this the guy we want dealing with Ahmadinejad?

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and now (in all seriousness) we have Russia invading Georgia

and the next President will have to deal with Dmitry Medvedev, Putin's kid brother. I mean do we want Mr. Warm and fuzzy?

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Or somebody seasoned with experience and grace under fire?

But back to my main point, who do you want picking up the phone at 3 AM?


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