Thursday, January 28, 2010

Glenn Beck on Obama's "Spending Freeze" Also Known As The 8 Twinkie Diet


If you haven't seen this - WATCH! This is all you need to know about the Obama "Spending Freeze" in plain English with an easy to understand analogy:

Glenn Beck- January 27, 2010 (Part 1/5)

Glenn Beck- January 27, 2010 (Part 2/5)

Speaking as a junk food junkie I can relate - I mean if I stop getting 2 Hardees burgers . . .

Hardee's Portobello Melt

Hardee's Bacon-Cheese Thickburger

then can I call it a diet if I get 1 Monster Burger?

Hardees MonsterBurger

and maybe have a king-size Kit-Kat bar later?

Because let me see, we got the bank bailouts, the auto-industry bailouts, Dave Obey's $787 Billion 'Stimulus' bill, what else? Anyways, I'm glad that Obama wants to freeze spending - now that he has increased it to all time record highs!

All I got to say is, "Pass me the box of Twinkies Mr. President."



Tuesday, January 19, 2010

David 'Antoinette' Obey Visits Rhode Island


OK, he didn't buy those pearls, but he DID spend significant time with the Kennedys in Providence, Rhode Island's 'Jewelry District'. Yeah, you read that right, while unemployment hovers around 10% in his own District, he is hanging out in bauble-land talking pork. Read it and weep here:

Providence seeking federal funds for Knowledge District

My favorite quotes:

How much would it take to make Providence a national leader in life sciences research? According to city leaders, about $460 million in public and private investments over the next five years.


The proposal is a follow-up to House Appropriations Chairman David Obey’s November tour of the Jewelry District. That tour, led by Kennedy and Cicilline, was meant to show the Wisconsin Democrat what federal investment has done to help grow Rhode Island’s research and science institutions and to stress the need for increased federal funding for the state’s economic future.

Is this guy off his rocker? Did he think we were not watching? Did he think the 'folks back home' in his district would never know, never learn about this trip?

But wait - there's more!

Providence’s Jewelry District: Growth hotspot?

My favorite part of the whole article? The article's first words are Dave's name and job title! No s***!

PROVIDENCE — U.S. Rep. David R. Obey, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, toured four major research institutions in the city’s Jewelry District on Friday along with Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy, Mayor David N. Cicilline, Governor Carcieri and other state leaders.

That was the 1st paragraph - and there is more. Here's another great quote,

The purpose of the tour was to show Obey, a Wisconsin Democrat, what federal investment has done to help grow Rhode Island’s research and science institutions and to stress the need for increased federal funding in the life sciences for the state’s economic future, according to Kennedy, who is also a member of the appropriations committee, which oversees the federal budget.

But it does not stop there, read further,

Obey, following the two-hour tour, seemed supportive of the state’s vision. The district is a “solid engine for growth,” he said. “This is a good investment for Rhode Island. We need to be doing dozens of these in the U.S. as a whole.”

He supports Rhode Island's vision - what about Northern Wisconsin Mr. Obey?




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