Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Fitting Metaphor


Recently it warmed up here and all the snow melting meant water in the basement. When we settled here in Merrill, this house was our 3rd choice. When the snow melts or when we get a heavy rain we get water in the basement. Naturally this occurred right after our warranty with the previous owners expired hmmm . . .

Back onto topic though, part of the problem is the driveway pavement is landscaped in such a way that the water runs off toward the house rather than away from it. Also when the gutters were installed, the spout lets the water out right next to the house. Ironically enough, one selling point about this house was that it had a DRY finished basement!

When the last election cycle was up I found myself (as county chairman) stuck with a 4x8 foot John McCain sign and our storage unit is too small to house it. The state party didn't seem anxious to get it back and the McCain campaign was not returning my messages so in my garage it went. I knew that sometimes people run again (although in John's case I doubt it) and we have often altered signs in the past by repainting them, etc for other uses.

Well, the drip, drip, drip coming off my gutters was just about 8 feet wide and THAT gave me an idea:


With the current housing mess we are in thanks in part to Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Barack Obama & ACORN and keeping in mind the 1 Republican who saw this mess coming was none other than John McCain - I feel if this gets back to John, he'll find it an appropriate metaphor as today my basement is staying dry (we cleaned up the water yesterday) thanks to having the McCain sign blocking the drip, drip, drip of my fairly useless gutters on my poorly sloped driveway.

The bad news though, we have a winter storm warning that we are about to get another 6 to 10 inches of fresh snow. Right now I wish we had gotten those 4 signs we were promised so I could block off more of the house. Makes me think of how we could use more Republicans in the House and Senate again - to stop the oncoming storms and drip, drip, drips of the Democratic majority's policies.

An appropriate metaphor indeed.



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Stimu'less' Bill is Unconstitutional!


From here on in BTW, I'm calling the current bill the stimu'less' package because it is less 'stimulus' and more SPENDING on bureaucracy!

But anyway - recently a little known provision has been found in the bill that is unconstitutional, that is, if you still believe in the 'Free Exercise' clause of the 1st Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

According to FOX News:

"The provision bans money designated for school renovation from being spent on facilities that allow "religious worship." It has ignited a fury among critics who say it violates the First Amendment and is an attempt to prevent religious practice in schools."

So that would mean for example, NO MONEY for a Catholic or Lutheran parochial school or any denominational college or seminary.

The article further says:

"According to the bill, which the Democratic-controlled House passed despite unanimous Republican opposition, funds are prohibited from being used for the "modernization, renovation, or repair" of facilities that allow "sectarian instruction, religious worship or a school or department of divinity."

So I guess that would include hospitals too, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Jewish, etc. All those facilities have chapels right? What about little towns like mine in the upper Midwest that ONLY have ONE hospital which happens to be owned by the Catholic church?

So much for Obama the 'Christian' President and so much for the Catholic case for Obama! I wonder how many people were suckered by that liberal PAC?

Of course this is not a bad thing necessarily, when F.D.R. was President, the Supreme Court struck down the worst parts of the New Deal. Perhaps once passed this bill or parts of it can be challenged in court and summarily struck down . . . hmmm . . . food for thought.



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