Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gods On Our Side - Don Fowler On Hurricane Gustav


Well, it seems Barack Obama isn't the only Democrat expressing faith in God lately. Don Fowler made this profession of why he beleives God is on the Democrats side:

If you can't hear him well, here is what he said,

"The hurricane’s going to hit New Orleans about the time they start. [Chuckle] The timing is — at least it appears now that it’ll be there Monday. That just demonstrates that God’s on our side. [Laughter] Everything’s cool."

Hurricane Gustav was just shy of being a category 5 when it hit Cuba and will likely be a 3 when it hits the Gulf coast. Don Fowler thinks 1 million + people evacuating their homes is funny or a sign of providence? Huh?

How about contacting/calling the Barack Obama HQ and telling them to ask Don Fowler to step down?

Or call the DNC

Because what the Hell is funny or providential about 1 million people evacuating their homes, quite possibly loosing them again after Katrina and some people who 'hang tough' may loose their lives? Fowler has no class. No class at all. I'm going to leave it at that before I say something I will regret!

Additional Coverage:

KXMB Talk Radio

Keith Olbermann & Michael Moore Discussing It

Track Gustav here

And here



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