Decidedly center-right. A blog of generally thoughtful political commentary with a little barbed humor thrown in for good measure. BEWARE! If you are rhetorically sensitive or thin-skinned - just don't read any further. Truth can be offensive! WEASEL WORDS / LEGALESE: All views expressed are the author's alone (even if others may heartily agree) and this blog does not necessarily reflect the views of the local, state or national Republican Party (although they frequently might). Nuff said!
Well, it seems Barack Obama isn't the only Democrat expressing faith in God lately. Don Fowler made this profession of why he beleives God is on the Democrats side:
Hurricane Gustav was just shy of being a category 5 when it hit Cuba and will likely be a 3 when it hits the Gulf coast. Don Fowler thinks 1 million + people evacuating their homes is funny or a sign of providence? Huh?
How about contacting/calling the Barack Obama HQ and telling them to ask Don Fowler to step down?
Because what the Hell is funny or providential about 1 million people evacuating their homes, quite possibly loosing them again after Katrina and some people who 'hang tough' may loose their lives? Fowler has no class. No class at all. I'm going to leave it at that before I say something I will regret!
From: Pergram, Chad Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:34 PM To: Subject: Urgent: Pelosi Statement on Governor Sarah Palin Being Named as Senator John McCain’s Running Mate
Urgent: Pelosi Statement on Governor Sarah Palin Being Named as Senator John McCain’s Running Mate
Per Pergram-St. Paul, Minnesota
Denver - Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today on Senator John McCain’s selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate:
“The selection of a vice presidential candidate is one of the most significant and telling decisions a presidential candidate can make. John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin raises serious questions about his judgment. Why, when the country is fighting two wars, facing an uncertain economy and an energy crisis, did Senator McCain make the choice that he did? Why, with so many other qualified women and men in his party, did John McCain choose Sarah Palin? Sarah Palin is not the right choice. She shares John McCain’s commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade and continuing George Bush’s failed economic policies.
“John McCain and Sarah Palin will not bring the American people the New Direction they need.”
# # #
Chad Pergram Fox News Senior Producer House of Representatives
Well, Nancy Pelosi's NON-endorsement is just confirmation to me that McCain has done the right thing in Picking Gov. Palin.
I was going to blog about the Obama acceptance speech but something more exciting happened with today's new cycle. John McCain may have just totally upped the ante in this year's election. I must say I am getting really good at predicting these things. I have this friend who always confidently tells me who will be THE candidate for this or that and he hasn't been right yet.
Back during the primary season he confidently told me Rudy Giuliani would be the nominee. Wrong. I told him I liked Huckabee but thought McCain would get it. Not long ago he told me Obama would pick Sam Nunn as VP. I could not help but think, "He has got to be kidding me!" Sam Nunn is way to the right of Obama. Now to be fair, my friend never told me who would be McCain's running mate but on the same day he made his nunnsensical prediction, I was talking to someone else and when I was asked I said, "If not Gov. Pawlenty, I think Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska. I only found out today while googling her that there was an effort to get her on the ticket. But it certainly makes sense in light of Obama's lackluster pick of Joe Biden and not Hillary Clinton.
Still a couple months to go and maybe I'm getting overly optimistic - but I think we just won.
The convention speech was a reminder of that. Former President Clinton brought down the house, he was truly in rare form - BUT - I suspect within a few days a detailed report will come out with a list of the lies and inaccuracies he said in his speech. That will make for a future posting. For now a basic critique.
CLINTON THE FLAWLESS SPEECHMAKER For one thing, after taking 3 minutes to quiet down the crowd, he did do what Hillary did not, he made the case for supporting Barack Obama and he did it from the 1st sentence of his speech. Bill was kinder to Hillary than Hillary was to Bill too. I suspect Bill in usual Clintonian rapid-response, on-message style had read at least a summary of media critiques of Hillary's speech and made the necessary adjustments in his own address. I also imagine he could have done it off the top of his head as Bill has that gift for thinking on his feet and being disciplined when he wants to be.
CLINTON CHARMS EVEN MICHELLE What was interesting was watching Michelle Obama (I honestly think she has no idea she is on camera) because at the beginning of Bill's speech she had a sort of tepid 'yeah, sure, right' look on her face. Polite clapping, no visible enthusiasm like smiling Hillary and tearful Chelsea. Michelle looked downright angry at 8 minutes into his speech. After 8:50 min Bill says, "...Barack Obama is the man for this job!" Michelle finally cracks a smile and stands up and gives a more enthusiastic clap. From there on in, he goes on for about 2 minutes complimenting Barack's personality, judgement, family, ideology and Veep pick and at 10 minutes you can see Michelle looking serious but now as if she is listening closely to him. At about 10:15 you can see her standing and smiling a bit again and nodding with someone in agreement. At nearly 11 minutes he tells the crowd Barack Obama is ready to lead and Michelle is standing, clapping and looking a little more enthusiastic, Hillary of course is beaming and waving a flag (where is Michelle's flag? hmmm...) at that same moment. Michelle sits through several applause lines and then is off camera for several other for about 5 minutes. At 16:10, Michelle is responding appropriately to Bill's hurtin' people pablum. At 16:53 Michelle is enthusiastically clapping and smiling, really smiling - she is with the program at this point. At 20:30 you can see her teeth for once, really smiling and going with Bill's assault on Bush and the GOP.
CLINTON STEALS FROM REAGAN At About 15 min into his speech, Bill gets into the 'are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?' technique Reagan employed and uses it masterfully but I suspect not all the information was accurate. One thing is certainly overlooked and that is the one Democrats never acknowledge - in times of war, both parties traditionally agree deficit spending is OK. This was traditional US policy for both parties until the Bush years. After the glow of post-9/11 national unity faded, Democrats jettisoned that policy and declared open season on military and national security spending.
THE BIG LIE - WAR WHAT WAR? From about 18:30 onto 20.30 Clinton goes on the attack against Republicans saying America never really had a chance to evaluate their 'extreme' policies until 2001 because it was then that the GOP controlled both the White House and Congress. Well, yes and no. Numerically and ideologically the GOP had a strong control over the House but had a slender margin of 1 seat in the Senate and that seat was held by Jim Jeffords, a liberal RINO Republican who functioned as a Democrat and he up and quit the GOP and became an independent who caucused with the Democrats giving them a functional majority. Senators like Lincoln Chaffee, Arlen Specter and Olympia Snowe were all liberal Republicans who frequently did not vote for Bush policies. When 9/11 happened in 2001, it not only killed thousands of Americans, it killed our economy, cost many people their jobs, drove up fuel prices and pushed us into a recession. Clinton made it sound as if all that has befallen America has occurred because of Bush's/Republican ideology put into practice. Quite the contrary. A lot of Republican lawmakers were uncomfortable with growing the size, scope and power of the Federal government but felt it was a necessary trade-off in order to keep America safe. Democrats conveniently ignore this fact over and over again.
BILL PASSES THE 'PLACE CALLED HOPE' MANTLE At the conclusion of the speech, Bill talks about how Obamessiah is the "21st century incarnation" of the American dream. There is some truth to that in the sense that Barack Obama is the inheritor of the benefits of the freedoms guaranteed to us all in the Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence and their hard fought for realization made possible through the Civil War and Civil Rights movement. Ironically, Barack Obama is not a descendant of African born slaves and he is a Democrat and the Democrats were the Party of Slavery and then Segregation up to 1964. The fact he is a Chicago Democrat only makes the irony that much stronger.
While I really don't care for her policy-wise and certainly distrust her after the way her and Bill behaved for eight years, I'll give credit where credit is due, she looks much more Presidential in this speech than anything I have seen out of BO. She certainly hit a home run performance-wise. But let me make these observations:
3) It took her 19 minutes to acknowledge Michelle Obama (no love lost here!)
4) It took her 6 minutes to bash McCain (No McCain) 6:45
5) I, me, mine, we - her language was very ME-focused
6) Barack Barely Mentioned Until End of speech
* "...proud supporter of Barack Obama" 4:15 * "Barack Obama is my candidate" 6:00
8+ minute gap touting me, me, me
* "...and those are the reasons I support Barack Obama for President." 14:54 * "...we need to elect Barack Obama..." 16:38 * "Barack Obama began his carreer..." 17:22 * "...and when Barack Obama is in the Whitehouse 17:44 * "...President Obama..." 18:18 * "I cannot wait to watch Barack Obama..." 18:49 * "...that President Obama will end the war in Iraq ..." 19:10 * "...and Barack will have with him a terrific partner in Michelle Obama..." 19:20 * "...Joe Biden will be at Barack Obama's side..." 19:45
7) 20+ minutes go by before she attacks McCain again after paying him compliments and her comment comparing McCain to Bush was funny, not really a big knife twister like earlier comments made by Dennis Kucinich, Claire McCaskill or Barbara Mikulski.
9) Michelle Obama looked genuinely moved twice but looked wooden or even annoyed at other parts of Hillary's speech.
10) Hillary said essentially if you agreed with her about women's issues, healthcare, etc - vote for Barack Obama. She never said why she liked him or his family and she never said why he would make a good commander in chief or leader of the free world. She paid more compliments to John McCain (called him her friend) and Joe Biden then she did to Barack Obama. Basically she said to the DNC convention goers, "Barack echoes my views so vote for him".
As I watched yesterday's convention, I took note or who got the most cheers and for what was being cheered. The 1st speaker who got the most whoops and cheers was Ohio Rep and Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich:
Kucinich is a good snapshot of the far-left, loony left. He took an otherwise indifferent crowd and had them on their feet cheering wildly within three minutes as he hurled out one piece of antiwar or class warfare hunk of red meat after another. Later on West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin spoke and the response was tepid at best. Manchin is a Pro-Life, anti-gay marriage, anti-illegal immigration Democrat. He gave a speech that centered around bipartisanship and the crowd snoozed except whenever he invoked the name of Barack Obamessiah. When Manchin did that it was like when Norm Peterson walked into Cheers.
Similarly, later that evening during prime time, former Gov. Mark Warner received a warmer, more enthusiastic welcome than Manchin (he's pro-abortion / pro-choice) but he is still seen as a Clintonesque 'New Democrat' who like Manchin did not make heavy handed appeals to class warfare but rather to unity and bipartisanship.
Do we believe the pretty lady in a blue dress and just mentally toss aside her and her husband's longstanding and close relationship to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a man who was closely allied with the 'Reverend' Louis Farrakhan? I won't link to or post video of Wright or Farrakhan here for the same reason I won't post video of David Duke here - they are all hatemongers. That and I don't want to unintentionally break the 2nd commandment by having Wright's blasphemy repeated over and over with every click of a mouse button.
Even if we are to beleive Michelle Obama is really the pretty lady in the blue dress - in her world 'community activists' are heros and business people are zeros:
Factory Worker = Good, Corporate Lawyer = Bad.
While Obama & Michelle's helping less fortunate people is laudable and worthy social behavior, disparaging the 'haves' to help the 'have-nots' is just basic Marxistclass warfare and goes contrary to B.O.'s stated unity ideals. Either you embrace everyone or you turn to class warfare. You can't have it both ways.
But Barack and his wife are really liberals, not centrists who will unify Americans:
70-90% Americans favor a ban on Partial Birth Abortion but Barack Obama opposes one. Not only that but in February 2004, his wife, Michelle, sent out a fundraising letter, which actually stated her concern over the rise of conservatism in the Country, and that the ‘so-called’ partial-birth abortion was a legitimate medical procedure that should be protected.
He voted against filtering pornography on school and library computers and he voted for sex education for kindergarten children through the 5th grade.
Also, in 2001, he voted “present” on a bill to keep pornographic book and video stores and strip clubs from setting up within 1,000 feet of schools and churches.
In 1999 he was the only Illinois State Senator to vote against a bill barring early release for (criminal) sex offenders.
Do you think Obama ever came home and Michelle said to him, "Gee honey, that sure was a really liberal vote you cast today, was that wise?" I'd be willing to bet Bill and Hillary have had discussions like that but only because they are so Machiavellian about every step they take. I think Obama and Michelle fall closer to the 'true believer' category if the money he has raised is any clue.
I always thought Jim Leach was pretty weird by Republican standards and now I know why. Only an alien from outer space would pose as a Republican and endorse Barack Obama. Don't beleive me? Listen for yourself:
Now I never have been and never will be a fan of Hillary Clinton but I must say I admire some of her followers. My personal hero lately has been Debra Bartoshevich. I'll tell you why too. Years ago - and I will come clean, the first election I voted in was Mondale -vs- Reagan back in 1984. In that race I voted for Mondale because in spite of the fact I really found Reagan attractive as a candidate I could not reconcile his tax cuts with his promise to increase military spending. I just did not think it was fiscally responsible back then but I also did not understand how cutting marginal tax rates increased personal spending and thereby increased government revenue. That was the 1st reason, the 2nd was that I was a fan of Senator Bill Proxmire, our 'maverick' senator back then (who was really an independent) who was Democrat by party affiliation but was very fiscally responsible.
For those of you too young to remember, now Senator Herb Kohl was endorsed very late by Bill Proxmire. Kohl was a liberal-left Democrat to Proxmire's non-ideological approach, Proxmire was:
Does he sound like anyone who would neatly fit into either of today's political parties?
Proxmire held out for a long time before endorsing Kohl for the above reasons. While Proxmire never dispensed with his Democratic party affiliation, he spent the remainder of his life fighting wasteful government spending. In each of his last two Senate campaigns, Proxmire refused to take any campaign contributions and spent less than $200 out of his own pocket on each campaign.
Proxmire put his country and his convictions before his party and for that reason was a true American hero, for similar reasons, I now say Debra Bartoshevich is a true American hero. In the best of Wisconsin traditions of independence - she decided to put country before party and is going to support John McCain over Barack Obama.
Recently both Senator Obama and Senator McCain appeared at Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church and spoke separately in a candidate forum. One thing that was brought up was faith based initiatives. Senator Obama's answer is long and muddy but listen carefully about how addresses discrimination:
Maybe it's me but again I found his answer offensive and telling. Replay it a few times to digest it if you must and then see if you agree with me.
1) Don't worry, I won't have the Federal government try to pick your Pastor.
WHOA! Is did he think or contemplate this that he even brings it up?
2) Programs that are Federally funded will not be able to discriminate.
So if my church receives money for a soup kitchen and it is federally supported, my Church may be forced to hire someone who is a homosexual or may belong to a controversial faith like Wicca when those things are forbidden by my Church (and the Word of God for that matter!)?
Senator Obama did speak the truth on one matter, "The Devil is in the details".
Now this brings up another concern of mine, Barack Obama supported the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which passed the House but was not taken up by the Senate in 2007, probably because it did not have enough votes and President Bush threatened to veto it. What was bad about ENDA? It was esentially a Gay-Rights bill that did the following:
Turn groups like the Boy Scouts into targets of federally funded lawsuits. While he was Vice President, Al Gore said on Good Morning America, in answer to a question about the Boy Scouts, that he hoped ENDA would do away with all “discrimination” by public and private groups.
Constitute a major expansion of federal power over the workplace and create a new way for the government to manipulate employers. ENDA’s intent is to create grounds for lawsuits. By injecting sexuality into civil rights law, ENDA opens a Pandora’s box of ways for the government to dictate to businesses.
Make people’s sexual temptations a source of material for federal lawsuits. The law properly deals with actions, not beliefs. ENDA creates a new class based on the fuzzy grounds of perception and intention. This is far removed from laws designed to end racial discrimination, because not only is race evident but also it has no moral aspect. Sexual behavior is fraught with moral consequences.
So lets play 'make believe' for a minute, lets say you are a member of a Catholic or Lutheran Church that has a Scouting troop and a ministry to the poor - not unimaginable at all. Let's say Barack Obama gets elected president. Lets go one step further and say he has a Democratic majority in Congress and gets what he wants at both the Executive and Legislative level. He makes sweeping changes to both the office of Faith Based Initiatives and Congress passes ENDA.
Oh sure, the government can't pick your pastor (yet) but the Federal government can have a hand in telling you who you must hire for your soup kitchen and who you must admit into your Scouting group, even if it is a denominationally based unit.
Rep. Timothy Walberg (R-MI) pointed out that ENDA “… would cause significant problems to religious bookstores … to the Boy Scouts, religious day care centers, and religious summer camps that have clearly defined missions.” (source) And this is just the beginning of sorrows if Barack Obama gets elected:
Toss him a softball or put him in a venue where he can 'preach to the choir' - pardon the pun, he is Mr. Eloquence. Give him a hard question in front of an impartial audience and it is ah . . . ah . . . ah . . . buh . . . buh . . . but.
When Barack Obama was asked when a baby had human rights, it took him a full 27 seconds to BEGIN to mentally get it together and start to formulate a clever non-response. He never did answer the question.
Toward the end he very indirectly acknowledged that he did not believe life began at conception.
If the Rev. Wright controversy was not enough, this should show most Evangelicals and Catholics that Barack Obama is not one of them. The Bible addresses persons like Senator Obama:
2 Timothy 3:1You must understand this: In the last days there will be violent periods of time. 2People will be selfish and love money. They will brag, be arrogant, and use abusive language. They will curse their parents, show no gratitude, have no respect for what is holy, 3and lack normal affection for their families. They will refuse to make peace with anyone. They will be slanderous, lack self-control, be brutal, and have no love for what is good. 4They will be traitors. They will be reckless and conceited. They will love pleasure rather than God. 5They will appear to have a godly life, but they will not let its power change them. Stay away from such people. 6Some of these men go into homes and mislead weak-minded women who are burdened with sins and led by all kinds of desires. 7These women are always studying but are never able to recognize the truth. 8As Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men oppose the truth. Their minds are corrupt, and the faith they teach is counterfeit. - Emphasis mine
When Christians gained power in Rome, the 1st things they did were 1) Stop the slaughter of the coliseum and 2) Stop the practice of infanticide.
Barack Obama wants to turn back the clock, he advocates going back to the slack standards of pagan Rome. Maybe if we had to toss our babies off cliffs or leave them out to the exposure of the elements rather than hide the practice of abortion under the cloak of medicine and law it would not be so acceptable.
Or we may be headed into those last days Jesus spoke of:
Matthew 24:11And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive many. 12And because iniquity will abound, the love of many will become cold.
What could be colder or crueler than late term abortion? It is a sign of how far we have fallen (and when I say 'we' I mean not just American society but especially the Christian Church) that such a thing can even be discussed so dispassionately in a Church filled with so-called Christian believers.
Barack Obama may have a form of Godliness (humanistic religiosity) and a human charisma when he speaks but he has no heart.
"I'm told Barack Obama is proud of going to Berlin to hear the cheeers of 100,000 Germans. Well, I'd rather come to Sturgis and hear the noise of 50,000 Harleys!" John McCain, Sturgis August 5,2008
Speaking as a guy who worked with lots of guys who went to Sturgis each year for the bike rally, I was intrigued to see how it went for Senator McCain, here is the video from his daughter Meghan's blog, McCainBlogette:
Here is the CNN coverage:
The "Miss Buffalo Chip Pageant" remark was of course trashed by liberals and yes, I rather doubt Cindy would do it but it does underline 3 things:
1) McCain is not your grampa's stuffy old Republican, he has a sense of humor and is not afraid to be both laughed with and laughed at. Obama takes himself so damn seriously.
Senator John McCain was a host of “Saturday Night Live” in 2002. (Photo: Dana Edelson/NBC)
2) If John wins, he will arguably bring the prettiest 1st Lady to the Whitehouse since Jackie Kennedy.
Cindy McCain May 2008 Vogue Magazine
3) Bikers, especially Viet Nam veterans will be voting this fall, they are Americans too.
The liberals are trying to make hay over what John McCain said at Sturgis and I say let them, it just makes them look that much more uptight, snobby and elitist.
I once helped a Republican candidate run for office in Minnesota who made sure we hit trailer parks. Some people wondered why. He had found out that the Democrat did not do trailers or rental properties because in the Democrat's own words, "THOSE PEOPLE don't vote." My candidate reminded me that besides the tactical advantage in doing this, "Those folks are taxpayers too you know, big government will hurt them more than it will you and me."
The fact that John McCain did show up and Barack Obama did not speaks volumes. The fact that limousine liberal commentators like Keith Olbermann tore into this appearance also speaks volumes. A lot of liberals want to give us the impression that is THEY who care for everyone so much but would Barack Obama go to Sturgis and HUG a bunch of burly, tattooed bikers like John McCain did?
Back in the '60s liberals cared for people, their policies were wrong-headed but they did care. Many worked in America's inner cities and others went abroad in the Peace Corps. Today's liberals rest on the laurels of past battles and would like to keep many of the people they used to care so much for at arms length.
Oh, and BTW, Harley riding is a great Midwestern tradition:
Former State Senator Dave Zien at left end, Former Governor Tommy Thompson, A Harley Owner, 4th From Right
2 Wisconsin Bikers flanking State Senator Dave Zien (center left) and Tommy again in 2006.
Milwauke County Exec Scott Walker
So go ahead and pick on us here for our 'earthier' annual proclivities for gas-guzzling bikes. Obama and his surrogates being 'above' such things will be a distinct advantage for the GOP this November.
If we get stuck with a Democratic majority again this fall, we will be facing an 'unemployment benefits extension' bill followed by a non-binding resolution 'remembering the six-pack'.
I wonder what congressman Obey's votes were on all these . . . hmmmm.
All this fluff while Dr. No / Obamessiah CONTINUES to tell us to keep our tires filled up all the way and buy cars that run on Granola.
Remember Jimmy Carter?
Remember gas lines around the block?
Hmmm . . . there is a striking resemblance
Crows feet, big phony smile and they both lean to the left!
Must-read comments from U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell:
"The moment that gas prices became a major issue here in Washington, Democrats started to build a protective blockade around their presidential nominee.
"Rather than come up with a comprehensive solution that would do something to lower the price of gas, they set out to insulate their candidate from ever having to take a difficult vote on the issue. They have done this because their nominee opposes expanding the domestic energy supply. Recall that his initial response to high energy costs was that Americans would have to learn to turn their air conditioners down and consume fewer calories.
"He has stated publicly that high gas prices are only a problem because America didn't have enough time to adjust to them. And just this week the Junior Senator from Illinois unveiled his own comprehensive solution to the high price of gas: 'We could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling,' he said, 'If everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups.'
"This is the proposal of the man that Democrats in Congress want to lead us through the nation's energy crisis: regular tune-ups. This is the answer the Junior Senator from Illinois has proposed to the patients at the Woodland Dialysis Center in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, who are now limiting their treatments because they can't afford the cost of getting to them. This is Senator Obama's answer to $4 a gallon gas: issue some new regulations and go to Jiffy Lube."
My commentary,
First off, did he really say that?
To use a medical analogy, right now America needs a turnicate and a surgeon and Barack Obama is sending us to the school nurse to get a Band-Aid and an aspirin. This makes me long for the days when James Traficant [D-Ohio] used to give his famous 'Beam me up!' speeches and occassionally skewer his own party when it was not doing right by America.
It appears that Pelosi and Reid are just doing rear guard duty for Barack Obamessiah so he won't be faced with an on the record vote that may alienate many independents at the polls this fall. While this is not surprising, I had not thought of it.
While there are definite left/right issues, it is a real shame that things like war and fuel have gone that way. These are matters of national importance that involve the whole country. Democrats, Republicans and Independents are all affected by things like war, gas prices and rising fuel costs. We all will suffer or prosper together in this but the Democrats have put both election politics and special interests first over the national interest.
Unless the bipartisan 'gang of ten' gets together with President Bush and forces a vote, the only way to change the price of gas is to vote against any candidate who won't allow for new drilling regardless of party affiliation. Right now the Republicans seem to be united in doing everything possible bring down gas. The Democrats are divided but one thing is clear, the Dem's leadership won't drill for new fuel for purely political reasons.
Congressman Mike Pence [R] of Indiana's 6th District was on Fox News yesterday urging folks to call President Bush to call a special session of Congress to try to pass an energy bill.
Congressmen Paul Ryan & Mike Pence
A bi-partisan "gang of 10" has been working on a compromise bill that would allow for new drilling but also ask for more fuel conservation efforts from Detroit.
The problem is Pelosi and Reid just want to let congress go home for 5 WEEKS.
Want to take a bite out of fuel prices OR do you want our country's gas problem to keep on going for 5 MORE *&%$#@ WEEKS?
Call/email President Bush and tell him to call a special session of Congress in order to fix the fuel crisis: