Only a guy who feels so secure in his seat in Congress could propose the things Dave Obey proposes. I mean - this is a guy who pitches his own record albums on a campaign website:

Far Left: Dave Obey
1) It silences critics on the right, after all, supporting the troops is patriotic right? Who would not support that?
2) He already passed a $787 billion stimulus bill, voted for national healthcare (TRILLION$) and all that spending is supposed to be "deficit neutral" right? So this is a tax to make sure we don't create a deficit by spending extra on national defense.
Here is the quote that tells it all:
Taken from:
Lawmakers Propose 'War Surtax' to Pay for Troop Increase in Afghanistan and
Pressure Builds Over Obama’s Afghanistan Plan
But don't take my word for it what Congressman Obey's cheif concerns are, read his own words:
"We have spent the last year in Congress debating how we will pay for health care reform, which is expected to cost nearly a trillion dollars over the next ten years. The Congressional Budget Office is earnestly measuring the cost of each competing health care plan, and has had most of Congress twisting themselves into knots in order to keep the health care bill deficit neutral. Shouldn’t it be asked to do the same thing with respect to money spent on the current wars? We have already spent nearly a trillion dollars on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - an effort that’s been paid for with borrowed money - and another ten years would cost about a trillion more. If we keep that up, it will devour our nation’s ability to address virtually any other priority." - emphasis mine
"He said the ten-year cost of the war clocks in at $900 billion, about the size of the Democratic health care legislation."
He said?
And that 1st quote came from the 'Health Care Arena' section of Politico. So the image I'm getting is that National Defense (a priority outlined in our Constitution) takes a backseat to healthcare (something not addressed in our Constitution). I got a news flash for congressman Obey - If the Nation is not safe, what we pay the doctor, dentist or our insurance companies won't matter!
That is a 1st principle that goes all the way back to Hobbes, the 1st priority of a nation is the security of it's citizenry. A secure citizenry can enjoy Freedom, a people living in the condition of strife can't.
To put words in Dave Obey's mouth, "If we blow money on a silly war, there will be no money for our newly created and very expensive social programs, especially MY stimulus bill!"

Now that's the creativity that made the Democratic party great!
More articles about Dave's Public Policy Blunder:
David Obey Calls for War Tax on Wealthy
The Afghanistan war surtax gambit
Wall Street Journal
Obey's Afghan War Surtax
The real liberal objection to the war on terror is that it takes away from domestic spending priorities like ObamaCare.
TIME Magazine
Obey's War Tax
The Washington Independent
Obey Wants a Deficit-Neutral Afghanistan War
WSJ - The Wealth Report
More Afghanistan Troops: Send the Bill to the Wealthy?
Here's one of my personal faves from Cody Willard at Marketwatch, just in case you think my intimation about congressman Obey's priorities are wrong:
"At any rate, let’s keep the record straight about Representative Obey’s voting on spending priorities, shall we?
David Obey on Budget & Economy
Democratic Representative (WI-7):
Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending.
Voted YES on $800 Billion TARP Bailout
Voted YES on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures.
Voted YES on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package.
Voted YES on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler.
Voted YES on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy."
Full blog here.
"David Obey came to Congress in 1969, a young Democratic congressman from Wisconsin, opposed to the Vietnam War and mindful of the funding it was draining from Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs.
Thirty years later, he is chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and adamant that Afghanistan is a similar quagmire that could bankrupt President Obama's domestic agenda."
It's not about fiscal responsibility, it's all about finding cover for Dave Obey's fiscal irresponsibility.
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