This one gets a little complicated but bear with me, there is a tasty treat inside this story. You may recall in the past I demonstrated that Dave Obey and Nancy Pelosi were joined at the hip in fundraising. Well I dug deeper and found Farallon Capital Management was a significant contributor to Clinton aide / Illinois House member / Obama advisor Rahm Emanuel.

Keep in mind these numbers are to the best of my ability to datamine the web, they could be even higher. What or who is Farallon Capital Management you may be asking? It's led by Thomas (Tom) Steyer, one of these twisted guys who embraces both liberalism and capitalism. Probably because Steyer is a protege of a Clinton crony, Robert Rubin (of Goldman Sachs fame).

Now as you know, Dave Obey is the member of Congress who put his name on the so-called $787 Billion stimulus (also called simuless, porkulus, etc) bill, heck - even Governor Jim Doyle says so! Well . . . not long ago a group called the Apollo Alliance took credit for it:
Here (original link)
and here (Google cached)
Now who might you ask is a prominent member of the Apollo Alliance?

Yup - self-avowed Black Nationalist & Communist Van Jones, now Barack Obama's 'Green Jobs Czar'. Like hey, he's both a Czar and a Communist - how cool is that? This guy obviously did not go through any standard White House FBI background checks or Congressional 'advice and consent', besides the above he is also a '9/11 truther'. But let's not dwell on that, what is even more shocking is this guys ties to power at the highest levels of our government.
Apollo Board Member Van Jones Accepts White House Post
Aspen Institute Energy and Environment Awards
Individual Thought Leadership
Guess what member of Congress has been going to the Aspen Institute for years?
Click on photo below for clearer, larger pic:
Apollo Board Member Van Jones Accepts White House Post
Aspen Institute Energy and Environment Awards
Individual Thought Leadership
- Winner: Van Jones
Guess what member of Congress has been going to the Aspen Institute for years?
Click on photo below for clearer, larger pic:

and years:

and compare to top:

So is it safe to assume that Dave Obey was present at the Aspen Istitute event where Van Jones received his 'Individual Thought Leadership' award? Did Congressman Obey take part in voting for Van Jones to receive that award? If so, on what basis?
Furthermore, Dave Obey is THE AUTHOR of the $787 Billion 'stimulus' bill which Van Jones' group the Apollo Alliance claimed it wrote. The Apollo Alliance and the Aspen Institute are organizations working together for common purpose - to create Green Jobs. Furthermore, the Apollo Alliance has been working with Barack Obama since at least 2005 while he was still only a freshman Senator to bail out the auto industry:
While Apollo focuses on maintaining consensus, the Breakthrough Institute aims to compete on the terrain of concrete and controversial legislative proposals. To wit, it has been collaborating with the office of Senator Barack Obama on a bill it hopes he will propose later this year known as the Automotive Competitiveness and Accountability Act. It would relieve the pressure on U.S. automakers to bankroll the rising costs of legacy health insurance -- an expense that doesn't burden their foreign competitors -- and, in exchange, obligate them to invest heavily in energy-efficiency technologies and comply with substantially more aggressive fuel-economy standards. It represents a new way of thinking about environmental policies, says Hendricks, “offering a bailout to the [auto industry] from these hugely debilitating health costs they're grappling with but linking it to an accountability for achieving public purposes.”
From Shooting the Moon September 18, 2005
Now who started all these bailouts in the 1st place? You may say Bush did and that would be somewhat true but who's advice did he follow to bail out the banks and the auto industry?
Oh yeah, Hank Paulson!

. . . who worked at . . . drumroll please . . .
Goldman Sachs! The Wall Street company that Robert Rubin worked at, whose protege is Tom Steyer who runs Farallon Capital which gives money to Barack Obama (who wanted to bailout the automakers in 2005), Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emanuel & Dave Obey who wrote the $787 Billion stimulus bill that was really written by the Apollo Alliance which until recently employed Van Jones who received an award from the Aspen Institute which is Dave Obey's favorite travel sponsor. Whew!
Yeah, Van Jones
Yeah, Van Jones
Dave Obey,
With friends like these . . .
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