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Research Briefings
Dave Obey: Putting (His) Family First
by RPW Communications

Amid doubt that his nearly trillion dollar "stimulus" plan would do much to help the economy come reports that House Approriations Chairman Dave Obey may have improperly pushed some of the pork in his son’s direction.
According to news reports, questions surround more than $2 billion for the National Parks Conservation Association – an organization whose chief lobbyist is Obey’s son, Craig Obey.
“As our country discusses the best plan of action to get the economy moving again, the mere appearance of impropriety is a drain on taxpayers’ confidence. Spending a trillion dollars of the taxpayers’ money is a dangerous action to begin with. Pork or pet projects have no business being included,” said Mark Jefferson, Executive Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.
The $2 billion Obey included for his son’s association would be a huge windfall for a group whose yearly budget is $2 billion. The wisdom of directing any money there as part of a jobs creation act is debatable; however, there are also questions of how the group would even be able to spend the money fast enough to make a difference. The Senate bill allows $802 million for the same group.
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Those of us who live in the 7th District always knew he was involved in these sorts of things but he has finally gotten called out on it in the national media for once.
What Dave Obey has done along with what Rod Blagojevich has done illustrates the difference between Democrats and Republicans on 'Family Values'. When Republicans say, "Family Values" we mean ethics and morals, when Democrats say it they mean 'sending something of value to my family like a favor, a job or a government contract'.
More coverage of the Dave Obey scandal:
Stimulus bill has money sought by lawmaker's son
Is There a Family Connection in Some of the Stimulus Spending?
GOP wants investigation into lobbying by Obey’s son for Obama’s spending bill
EXCLUSIVE: Stimulus has plum for lawmaker's son
A few years back at a Republican event I was at one of our Republican congressmen said to me, "Jim, there are really 3 political parties in Washington, the are Democrats, there are Republicans and there are Appropriators." He went on further to say how both Republicans and Democrats often changed after spending several years on the appropriations committee. Well, according to U.S.News & World Report,
"Nancy Pelosi may be the top House Democrat, but Obey, as the party's top appropriator, is in the center of the action, with direct sway over the power of the purse."
Who is Dave Obey's top contributer? Farallon Capital Management located in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi's district. Thomas F. Steyer, a senior partner at Farallon Capital Management, gave $1,000 to Nancy Pelosi and $5,000 to her PAC.
It seems clear to me that when you connect the dots and follow the money, the desires of San Francisco, not Northern Wisconsin, are driving Dave Obey's agenda and he is only looking out for #1.

What Dave Obey has done along with what Rod Blagojevich has done illustrates the difference between Democrats and Republicans on 'Family Values'. When Republicans say, "Family Values" we mean ethics and morals, when Democrats say it they mean 'sending something of value to my family like a favor, a job or a government contract'.
More coverage of the Dave Obey scandal:
Stimulus bill has money sought by lawmaker's son
Is There a Family Connection in Some of the Stimulus Spending?
GOP wants investigation into lobbying by Obey’s son for Obama’s spending bill
EXCLUSIVE: Stimulus has plum for lawmaker's son
A few years back at a Republican event I was at one of our Republican congressmen said to me, "Jim, there are really 3 political parties in Washington, the are Democrats, there are Republicans and there are Appropriators." He went on further to say how both Republicans and Democrats often changed after spending several years on the appropriations committee. Well, according to U.S.News & World Report,
"Nancy Pelosi may be the top House Democrat, but Obey, as the party's top appropriator, is in the center of the action, with direct sway over the power of the purse."
Who is Dave Obey's top contributer? Farallon Capital Management located in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi's district. Thomas F. Steyer, a senior partner at Farallon Capital Management, gave $1,000 to Nancy Pelosi and $5,000 to her PAC.
It seems clear to me that when you connect the dots and follow the money, the desires of San Francisco, not Northern Wisconsin, are driving Dave Obey's agenda and he is only looking out for #1.

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