Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama Ain't No Jesus - What they said . . .


Michelle Malkin picks up a terrific insight from Gerald Warner of the London Telegraph.

Yes it is interesting that President B.O. (or B.S. if you prefer) who was heralded as Jesus-like is behaving more like King Herod who committed mass-murder and ended his life as a diseased megalomaniac.

The Obamas' (Barack & Michelle) stance on abortion may cause a health care crisis. Not long ago the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops decided if it is a 'choice' between keeping hospitals open and being forced to perform abortions - they will close U.S. hospitals - 12.5% of all U.S. hospitals. in all 50 states. That is:

615 Hospitals
404 Health Care Centers
1,509 Specialized Homes

Barack Obama's Abortion Position Could Result in Closing Catholic Hospitals

Catholic Bishops Discuss Abortion and Obama in First Post-Election Meeting

This is the game of chicken that our newly elected president is already engaged in with religious Americans, forcing us to either do what is against our conscience or get out of the game altogether. Not
exactly along the lines of 'What Would Jesus Do?' is it?

But then, Obama ain't no Jesus.



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