O: Hey man, I can't hear you too well, could you speak up Dubya?
W: I can't hear you much either 'Bama but I guess we can both talk louder.
O: Let me use my other phone...

W: That's much better, ah always wanted to get me one of them newer cell phones, that sounds so much better! I trip on the cord for this old thing more than you'd care tuh know!

O: Yeah, George - whateverrrr!

Say, I called because I had a question for you about foreign policy...

W: ???

O: What's this Monroe Doctrine thing?
W: You askin' me? Day-yam!

W: Well see those Russian soldiers goose-steppin' in Venezuela right now on the news?
O: Yeah, so...

W: That's your problem now, that's what it means! Hope you can keep one eye on the economy and one eye on your enemies without goin' cross-eyed buddy!

O: But I hath come to change things, the waters will part...

W: Hey 'Bama, they won't and besides, I knew Charlton Heston...

... and Buddy, you aint no Moses!

O: We'll see, I have a higher calling . . .

W: Sure buddy, good luck with Putin and Medvedev - and Chavez . . .

W: Laura and I are moving back to the ranch soon, we got a little do-it-yourself project to keep us busy for a while, I just hope we get it done before . . . uh, well soon (before the sh** hits the fan with this lefty!).

O: Nice talking to you George [grumble] Click!

W: Nice talkin' to you 'ole buddy' ha ha haaaaa . . .

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