Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama - Investigator in Chief

Well, you gotta give Obama credit for being an equal opportunity snoop, he is going to give any White House job applicant the same treatment he gave Joe 'the Plumber' Wurzelbacher. I wonder if the ACLU will repeal their support for Obama? Nah. Why is it that whenever I hear about Obama or his followers digging into other people's business I am reminded of the cold war?
Oh yeah, that is why. I keep thinking of the STASI and people who read the mail, tapped the phones, etc. I wonder whether the Democrats will now repeal the PATRIOT Act or abuse it for political gain? I seem to recall Bill Clinton used the FBI and IRS as a tool of political intimidation, will Obama be above doing things like that? If I were Joe, I'd change my name changed , get a hair transplant and move.



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