Thursday, January 28, 2010

Glenn Beck on Obama's "Spending Freeze" Also Known As The 8 Twinkie Diet


If you haven't seen this - WATCH! This is all you need to know about the Obama "Spending Freeze" in plain English with an easy to understand analogy:

Glenn Beck- January 27, 2010 (Part 1/5)

Glenn Beck- January 27, 2010 (Part 2/5)

Speaking as a junk food junkie I can relate - I mean if I stop getting 2 Hardees burgers . . .

Hardee's Portobello Melt

Hardee's Bacon-Cheese Thickburger

then can I call it a diet if I get 1 Monster Burger?

Hardees MonsterBurger

and maybe have a king-size Kit-Kat bar later?

Because let me see, we got the bank bailouts, the auto-industry bailouts, Dave Obey's $787 Billion 'Stimulus' bill, what else? Anyways, I'm glad that Obama wants to freeze spending - now that he has increased it to all time record highs!

All I got to say is, "Pass me the box of Twinkies Mr. President."



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