Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Scott Walker Compared To David Duke When In Truth . . .


In a recent tirade by Milwaukee County Board Chair Lee Holloway, Holloway compared Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker to David Duke. Mr. Holloway obviously doesn't know much about Scott because once upon a time, a younger Scott Walker went on Milwaukee TV and took on David Duke:

Most memorable lines:

Scott Walker to David Duke, "Representative Duke, you don't believe in America!"

David Duke to Scott Walker, "Shame on you Scott Walker!"

Also, for what it's worth, David Duke ran THREE times as a Democrat before declaring himself to be a Republican.

David Duke even ran for President as a Democrat in 1988!

Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana Results) Threshold = Plurality Primary Day, March 8, 1988

Candidate Affiliation Support Outcome
Jesse Jackson Democratic 221,522 (35%) Won Louisiana
Al Gore Democratic 174,971 (28%) Lost Louisiana
Michael Dukakis Democratic 95,661 (15%) Lost Louisiana
Dick Gephardt Democratic 67,029 (11%) Lost Louisiana
Gary Hart Democratic 26,437 (4%) Lost Louisiana
David Duke Democratic 23,391 (4%) Lost Louisiana
Others Democratic 16,008 (3%) Lost Louisiana

United States President 1988 (Louisiana Results)

Threshold = Plurality

Election Day, November 8, 1988

Candidate Affiliation Support Outcome
George Bush & Dan Quayle Republican 883,672 (54%) Won Louisiana
Michael Dukakis & Lloyd Bentsen Democratic 717,309 (44%) Lost Louisiana
David Duke & Floyd Parker Independent Populist 18,612 (1%) Lost Louisiana
Others n.a. 8,429 (1%) Lost Louisiana

After losing the Democratic nomination Duke switched to the 'Populist' party (one of those goofy 3rd parties).

Now for Duke to 1st join and 1st run as a Democrat in the south is completely normal. You see, the KKK was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party in the south from it's founding. It victimized both 'negroes' and white Republicans. Often klansmen would offer to stop terrorizing blacks if they promised not to vote Republican. Many prominent Democratic lawmakers were Klansmen. Senator Robert Byrd [D-WV] was once an "Exalted Cyclops" in the KKK but later quit. That said, he has made racist gaffes on and off over the years. One of the KKK's primary aims was not just to promote the ideology of white supremacy in and of itself but also to "suppressing Republican voting and running Republicans out of office." But don't take my word for it, compare the party platforms of the Democrat and Republican parties in 1860:

Democratic Party Platform of 1860
Quote - 6. Resolved, That the enactments of the State Legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Law, are hostile in character, subversive of the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect.

Republican Party Platform of 1860
Quote -

7. That the new dogma that the Constitution, of its own force, carries slavery into any or all of the territories of the United States, is a dangerous political heresy, at variance with the explicit provisions of that instrument itself, with contemporaneous exposition, and with legislative and judicial precedent; is revolutionary in its tendency, and subversive of the peace and harmony of the country.

8. That the normal condition of all the territory of the United States is that of freedom: That, as our Republican fathers, when they had abolished slavery in all our national territory, ordained that "no persons should be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law," it becomes our duty, by legislation, whenever such legislation is necessary, to maintain this provision of the Constitution against all attempts to violate it; and we deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legislature, or of any individuals, to givelegal existence to slavery in any territory of the United States.

9. That we brand the recent reopening of the African slave trade, under the cover of our national flag, aided by perversions of judicial power, as a crime against humanity and a burning shame to our country and age; and we call upon Congress to take prompt and efficient measures for the total and final suppression of that execrable traffic

10. That in the recent vetoes, by their Federal Governors, of the acts of the legislatures of Kansas and Nebraska, prohibiting slavery in those territories, we find a practical illustration of the boasted Democratic principle of Non-Intervention and Popular Sovereignty, embodied in the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, and a demonstration of the deception and fraud involved therein.

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Even a liberal from Madison knows Milwaukee County Board Chair Lee Holloway is wrong.

Lee Holloway under the dentist's lamp



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