Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Even Liberal Media Knows Doyle Is Vulnerable


Yes - now even the Madison lapdog media is recognizing the end is near:

Scott Milfred: Vulnerable Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle still has huge advantages

The Milwaukee lapdog media does too:

Walker campaign fund raising tops Doyle's
But governor has more cash on hand

They always have to throw in the obligatory qualifier like 'huge advantages' or but, but, but - he has more cash on hand! I guess they have to, I mean he is the Democrat after all, he's their candidate.


I am of the opinion that if Walker is ahead in fund-raising while the economy is down at both the Federal & State level and Walker is relying more on smaller contributers and Doyle is relying more on larger contributers that it won't bode well for Doyle come November of next year. A political contribution is a lot like a ballot and the critical mass favors Walker for Governor.



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