Monday, July 20, 2009

3rd Party Stealth Candidate Running On GOP Ticket?

Is Dan Mielke a Republican or a 3rd Party candidate?

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From: Daniel Mielke


Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 12:09 PM

Subject: [Voterslist] update

Dan Mielke For Congress

Great news!

The State Wisconsin Constitution Party has endorsed Dan Mielke

as their candidate of choice to challenge Dave Obey in 2010.

The Constitution Party believes in strong moral conservative values with an emphasis on upholding and defending our Constitution.

Over the years, some have criticized other conservative parties for dividing the conservative vote.

The Constitution Party has taken the initiative to counter this claim by openly endorsing me, a Republican candidate, thus showing that they truly put

“Policy Before Politics”.

And I am proud to be their candidate of choice.

Thank you.

I am being challenged this year

On a sad note, I must mention that I do have a challenger on the Republican ticket this year. Apparently our impressive run last year has emboldened others to run as well. Personally, I believe a strong unified effort would have been the preferred approach, but as Republicans we do promote and believe in fair and open elections, so we should accept this as part of our nation’s system and press ahead to a victory. On a positive note, Sean Duffy and I are quite different, and thus offer the voters a choice as to what type of candidate they really want in Washington.

I am personally asking my supporters to keep their support for me clean and out in the open.

I do not approve of back room deal making in an effort to attempt to eliminate the other candidate.

My opponent has the right to compete with me fairly and out in the open, so the public can make a free and fair choice.

I believe strongly that any effort of support for me should be open, honest and before the public. Our differences and backgrounds are open for public view and ok to bring up. I will not condone or approve of trying to hide those aspects from the public. Feel free to mention our differences, promote my values, and explain why you prefer me over Sean.

Because we are both running on the Republican ticket, I believe that the RPW and the RNC should allow this primary to take its course. I do not support any early endorsement from the state or national party to eliminate a candidate prior to the primary. We claim to be for the people, thus we should practice what we preach.

I am open to public debates and open forums with my opponents Dave Obey and Sean Duffy.

I do not approve of causing damage to or stealing of signs, disinformation campaigns, whisper campaigns or any other type of secret manipulation to hurt an opponent. If you cannot say it publicly and out in the open, please don’t say it.

With that said, let me also say regarding Dave Obey and Sean Duffy that I will campaign aggressively. Our nation needs strong aggressive candidates who will stand up for our nation and its Constitution. I will not be a weak candidate.

I have no problem with openly exposing our differences in character and values.

I have no problem bringing up areas of concern that I feel could have an impact on our job as Congressmen.

I have no problem openly and aggressively fighting for what I believe in and openly resisting what I do not agree with.

I will openly and aggressively tear apart what I believe to be weak arguments and faulty reasoning.

Please understand I am NOT a politician.

I am an American citizen who has lived and worked in the real world.

I am not a celebrity or an athlete, but a businessman and a family man who believes the average citizen needs true representation.

I am not a lawyer or a career politician, but an average American like most of you. I have raised my children, and now is the time for me to do my tour of duty.

As a grandparent, I see the importance of fighting to maintain a free nation for future generations.

I believe in a free nation under God where all Americans are represented and protected from oppression and government enslavement.

My loyalty is to this nation and its Constitution, not a political party. My intention is to be a statesman, not a politician.

While we may differ with others in our views and ideals we should not be isolationists that oppress those we disagree with. We don’t want it done to us, so we should not do it to others.

It is my prayer and hope that God will once again grant us a free and prosperous nation

If you are supporting me in the primary, please email me and let me know. Your support and help is needed and appreciated

Email me at



Dan Mielke



Paid for by Citizens for an Open and Honest Government Supporting Dan Mielke for Congress
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Also from his website:

April 2009

4/3 Antigo Gun Show in Antigo, WI

4/15 AfP Tea Party in Madison, WI

4/15 Tea Party in Wausau, WI

4/18 Constitution Party of WI State Convention

4/23 Wausau Business Expo in Wausau WI

4/24-25 Ashland Gun Show in Ashland, WI

4/28 Hope Pregnancy Center Banquet in Wausau WI

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But wait there's more, read the blog entry of a Constitution Party candidate Kevin Thompson:

Candidate Endorsement–The State Committee leadership debated and voted to endorse Dan Mielke, 7th Congressional District representative running against Democrat incumbent-way-too-long David Obey. Dan joined CPoW at our State Convention. Usually, the decision on whom to endorse is handled by the Campaigns and Candidates Committee, which vetted Dan and found him to be in accord with our party’s platform and the US Constitution, which he will fiercely defend should office. However, as Dan Mielke is running as a Republican, we decided that a vote to endorse him should go before the entire State Committee.

So Mielke is a stealth Constitution Party candidate running on the GOP ticket. Don't believe me? Read further:

I know that not all of you will agree with this decision or at least will have reservations about it, so maybe these next points will provide food for thought and explain things in detail:

  1. We don’t have to endorse any candidates we don’t choose to. But Dan, a member of this party contacted me and as chairman, I work for the membership so naturally I took his request under advisement. Another point: Dan took the initiative to contact us; he didn’t expect us to contact him.
  2. To be endorsed by our party you MUST be a party member. Membership conveys to the State Committee and fellow members that you agree with our platform. Had Mr. Mielke not been a member and proved, not just said, but proved to us he agrees with our platform, that would have ended any talk of a possible endorsement right then and there. The membership requirement is a protection for our platform I heartily support and will NEVER want to remove. It’s our party and we have a responsibility to protect it the way we feel best so it can continue to be an uncompromised tool for liberty.
  3. Dan had to be vetted by the Campaigns and Candidates Committee just like any other candidate. We don’t support just any warm body for office. If the C & C Committee hadn’t liked Dan’s answers to their vetting questions, that would have ended the endorsement too.
  4. Remember we did at one point have a candidate for the 7th congressional district in Rob Taylor. But after heard Dan Mielke was running, he freely decided to run for US Senate as a CPoW candidate instead so he wouldn’t bleed votes away from a constitutional conservative. Rob’s choice works fine for us. And I would say as Mr. Taylor vouches for Mr. Mielke’s character so we have that protection as well.

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Read the whole entry here:

Constitution Party – WI The Talon – July 2009‏

2008 Election Results

Obey - 60.79%
Mielke - 39.14%


Mielke has ran and ran and has never been elected to office, Duffy on the other hand is so popular locally that he has ran unopposed three consecutive times, 2004, 2006 & 2008.


The fact that Mielke is frustrating the efforts of a clearly electable candidate of the Republican Party while coordinating & accommodating one of a rival conservative party demonstrates Mr. Mielke's real loyalties.



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