Yes, they are stilling battling it out like Rock 'Em Sock 'Em robots in Minnesota:
Coleman recently was ordered by the court to pay part of Franken's legal fees to the tune of $94,783 - ouch!
What makes the race key is two things:
1) First and foremost - Coleman was the original winner by about 700 votes and then Minnesota law kicked in giving Franken the right to an immediate recount - but a win is a win and how do you go from being 700+ ahead to 300 behind?
2) If Franken is seated, Obama, Pelosi and Reid will be an unstoppable train wreck of runaway big government. Republicans in the Senate will loose any power to filibuster which is the sole tool of the minority to stop bad legislation. A filibuster can be invoked with a 2/3 cloture vote. Than the liberal monster will be set loose!
Help Norm Continue The Fight!
2 years ago
1 comment:
how did he go from 700 to behind by 312?
they more accurately counted the votes.
the machines have up to a .5% error rate and the hand counting is far far more accurate.
the difference between the candidates was less than .1%... 5 times closer than the margin of error of the machines.
all the republicans who have played a part in this, including chief justice Magnuson, a staunch republican, signed off on the Franken lead. so did Associate Justice G. Barry Anderson, who is also a Republican.
The remaining supreme court justices are almost all Republicans, including two Pawlenty appointees as well as others, and if you listen to the oral arguments, you find that they are extremely skeptical about Coleman's case because he simply has no proof of anything whatsoever to show that the results would be any different.
These are republicans, who are dubious about Colemen. Watch the oral arguments yourself at and you'll see just how bad a case Coleman has. if you go to election law blog, many attorneys, from the entire political spectrum agree with the justices.
This has been a completely fair and honorable process.
I have watched the entire thing on including many recount hearings and many days at the trial, and i come out of this with a vast amount of respect for all the republicans, independents, and democrats who were involved in this case.
They were very fair and thorough.
The reason that Franken is ahead is very simple. He got more votes. More people got up and voted for him then they did for Coleman. It is that simple.
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