Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Coleman Concedes Franken Wins
Not much more to say. Now the GOP has no filibuster power in the Senate and Barack Obama can cram ANYTHING he wants through Congress.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
A Hollywood Liberal Who Is TIRED Of Obama!
In case you haven't heard, Bill Maher is getting tired of Obama-mania.
In conclusion, Bush was a jerk, but he never cared about being seen having a burger with Dick Cheney. He picked up the phone in the White House and said, "I'm the president, bring me a burger." And they'd say, "Sir, this is NORAD. Would you please stop ordering burgers with the red phone?"
Be sure to read it.
Coleman Franken Fight Still Dragging On (Go Norm!)
Yes, they are stilling battling it out like Rock 'Em Sock 'Em robots in Minnesota:

Coleman recently was ordered by the court to pay part of Franken's legal fees to the tune of $94,783 - ouch!
What makes the race key is two things:
1) First and foremost - Coleman was the original winner by about 700 votes and then Minnesota law kicked in giving Franken the right to an immediate recount - but a win is a win and how do you go from being 700+ ahead to 300 behind?
2) If Franken is seated, Obama, Pelosi and Reid will be an unstoppable train wreck of runaway big government. Republicans in the Senate will loose any power to filibuster which is the sole tool of the minority to stop bad legislation. A filibuster can be invoked with a 2/3 cloture vote. Than the liberal monster will be set loose!
Help Norm Continue The Fight!
Great Tea Party Song!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Pawlenty For Prez 2012?
For a 2012 Contender, Some Advantages in Leaving Office
Pawlenty won’t run for re-election
Pawlenty calls for GOP to be optimistic,
positive in speech to College Republicans
Introducing Tim Pawlenty — non-candidate for 2012

I don't have 2012 pick yet but having worked with and supported Tim in the past, it would be nice to know someone in the Oval Office.
Palin Cleared of ALL Ethics Charges
As if we had any doubt!
State Board Dismisses Palin Ethics Complaint
It was the 13th ethics complaint filed against the governor or her staff
that has been resolved with no finding of a violation of the state ethics law,
the governor's office said Wednesday.

The liberals have filed all kinds of law suits to harass her and damage her politically but the truth has a funny way of coming out.
So far, the reporting on this has been pretty sparse, even by the conservative media, pretty sad.
More coverage:
Palin fends off ethics charges
From Across The Pond
Daniel Hannan is a Conservative MP in the U.K. who has a certain 'Ron Paul' - like appeal over in Britain. Here is a video of a speech he gave recently when Labor got a whacking in the recent Parliamentary elections:
The tie-in to Dr. Seuss' Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! is the part I liked the best.

I'd LOVE to give Obama the same message in 2010!
Funny And Serious - From NewsBusters
You gotta watch yesterday's broadcast:
National Healthcare Art
Lead Story
Death, taxes & Obamacare: Poster contest, Round Two
We kicked off the Obamacare poster contest yesterday with some fantastic entries — spearheaded by Scott G. at Ah, Shoot.
Readers have risen to the challenge! Here’s round two. Vote on your favorite. Print ‘em out. Spread the word. Counter the ACORN/SEIU mob taking to the streets to take over your health care. Resistance must be met not just in the halls of Congress, but in your neighborhoods, at the grocery store, in your car window, everywhere at the grass-roots level:
From reader Rachael in Kentucky:
From reader Kyle:
From reader Mike:
From our friend Leo Alberti:
From American Elephant:
From reader Scott:
From reader Flynn:
From reader Erin F.:
From John at Verum Serum:
From reader Anon:
From Nice Deb:
From reader Tennessee Dave:
And from Violetbird, who writes:”Here’s my attempt - great idea, btw! As our government has shown, there’s nothing like images to get the message home.”
Clever Coin Video!
Somebody sure came up with a low cost and creative video using coins to critique the Obama 'stimuless'.
You don't have to be a numismatist to get that one!
Back Online
Computer viruses suck. What is even worse is that many freeware programs hawked online that are alleged to 'cure' your virus contain malware (malicious hidden software) or spyware (software that monitors what you do and sends messages to an unauthorized 3rd party) as well!
But after several weeks of battle with both my desktop and laptop PCs, I have reformatted both hard drives, reinstalled Windows and all my old software and am back up online with no more malware or Trojan horses.
For years I had been lulled into security by always using whatever Norton / Symantec's most powerful program was at the time. No longer. I had a healthy reality check when I chatted with a Symantec customer service person who said I would have to fork over $99 for help in manually removing the virus. Isn't that what I forked over $100 for when I bought the software? I asked. He did not have a good answer for me. I also used Yahoo's anti-spyware program that comes with the Yahoo toolbar - which sometimes caught (and removed) Trojan Horses that Symantec missed, not bad for a freeware program!

Illustration of the Trojan Horse from Virgil's Aeneid
My laptop is another story, I tried to do a repair on it but I had to do a full reformat and reinstallation of everything from scratch. I had to burn 50 CDs to back up what I wanted to save off of it but that only cost $17 for a pack of 50 CDs at Walmart.
That's all I have to say about this in this very unpolitical post, I'll make the next post more political.