Friday, March 20, 2009

Congress Has Finger In The Wind Again

Greetings folks,

Not too long ago Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa said this,

"The first thing that would make me feel a little bit better towards them, if they had followed the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, "I'm sorry," and then either do one of two things, resign or go commit suicide."

Now when I first heard this I said, "Yeah, right on!"

But then I got thinking, "Where was his outrage when the Democrats spent a TRILLION dollars?"

What is all the outrage REALLY about? Glenn Beck seems to get it:

It's a magician trick, "Look up here at the card in my hand (while I do the trick over here with my other hand)."

Watch the AIG guys get this bonus in the millions while Congress spends a TRILLION dollars. Now I must admit, the outrage over what the AIG guys got away with is completely legitimate. Bonuses should be given based upon positive results, achieved performance, etc. Bonuses given - 'just because' and especially at taxpayer expense is ridiculous, obscene and immoral. Period. That said, what Congress did today was an extra-constitutional grab of power. I don't care if someone has an 'R' or a 'D' after their name when they do that sort of thing. Two wrongs do not make a right. Our Constitution says you can't pass a law in the present to prosecute what happened in the past. That is akin to changing the rules in the middle of the game as sports people would say. It also sets a bad precedent for contract law. The AIG people should simply be shamed and shunned into giving back the bonuses as some already have. Not every problem requires a legislative or judicial solution.

I have not always been a fan of Jim Sensenbrenner, but he did the right thing today by not voting for the AIG bonus tax. All the other reps of both parties for my state blew it. Minnesota's GOP delegation had more backbone. Only Steve King [R] of Iowa voted no, Melissa Bean [Dem!] of Illinois voted no, ditto for
Thad McCotter [R] of Michigan.

That's my gripe for the day, have a great weekend people - after all, it is the 1st day of Spring, thankfully government can't take that away, regulate it, tax it or otherwise fowl it up. The changing of the seasons is what it is - a gift from God.



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