So Sean Duffy has condoned the 'War on Women'? Puh-leeze!
Yesterday an independent blogger by the last name of Schramm who goes by the YouTube handle, ThePartysOverParty received the same type of phone call but it targets Congressman Joe Heck:
So - yes, it's coordinated all right. No website, no contact phone number and no legal, "This call was paid for by..." disclaimer at the end (Illegal robocall?) either. BUT obviously there is enough left-wing mula-la ($$$!) involved to do this in multiple states.
You want evidence of a 'War on Women'? How about these guys?

Yes, that Bill Maher:
Palin: Super-PAC accepting Maher's 'dirty money' doesn't 'bode well for the president's character'
Or how about this guy?

Or these guys?

Maybe the "Women of the 99%" (or whoever they are) ought to wipe their own eyes first.