Thursday, September 4, 2008

Best Speeches of RNC So Far - Part 1 - Fred Thompson


The 1st night of the convention really was not a traditional convention night because of (GIVE--->) Hurricane Gustav (<---GIVE) so I am going straight to day 2 and afterwards: Fred Thompson blew me (and everyone else) on night 2 of the convention

Fred Thompson delivered some classic one liners in his casual Southern drawl and low key manner in a way that only a grizzled good ole boy like him could.

On Sarah Palin:

"Some -- some Washington pundits and media big shots are at a frenzy over the selection of a woman who has governed rather than just talked a good game on the Sunday talk shows and hit the Washington cocktail circuit."

"But it's pretty clear the selection of Governor Palin has got the other side and their friends in the media in a state of panic -- (laughter, shouting) -- and no wonder. She's a courageous, successful reformer who's not afraid to take on the establishment. Sound like anybody else we know?"

"She has run a municipality and she has run a state. And I think I can say without fear of contradiction she is the only nominee in the history of either party who knows how to properly field-dress a moose. (Cheers, applause, laughs.) With the possible exception of Teddy Roosevelt."

"When she and John McCain get to Washington, they're not going to care how much the alligators get irritated -- they're going to drain that swamp."

On John McCain:

"Now, John's father was a bit of a rebel, too. In his first two semesters at the Naval Academy, he managed to earn 333 demerits. (Laughter.) Unfortunately, John later saw that as a record to be beaten."

"In high school and the Naval Academy, John earned a reputation as a troublemaker. But as John points out, he wasn't just a troublemaker; he was the leader of the troublemakers."

"It's pretty clear there are two questions we'll never have to ask ourselves: "Who is this man?" and "Can we trust this man with the presidency?"

Fred On the Democrats:

"Now, our opponents tell us not to worry about their tax increases. They tell you they're not going to tax your family. (Laughter.) No, they're just going to tax "businesses." So, unless you buy something from a business, like groceries or clothes or gasoline -- (laughter) -- or unless you get a paycheck from a business, a big business or a small business, don't worry, it's not going to affect you! (Laughter, cheers, applause.) They say they're not going to take any water out of your side of the bucket, just the other side of the bucket! (Laughter.) That's their idea of tax reform."

Full Text Of Fred's Speech



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